Case Study: Riverside Premier Rehabilitation & Healing Center (Q4 2022)

Director Of Concierge: Daniel Farmer
Patient Name: Ralph McCloud
Patient Age: 47
Admission Date: 10/20/2022
Admitted from: Home
Discharge Date: Current
Length of stay: 90 days
How did the patient hear about the Riverside? Referred by Social Work – Workers comp case

Details of experience:

Mr. McCloud arrived at The Riverside on 10/20/2022 for orthopedic aftercare following amputation. Mr. Mccloud was taken to the hospital when he tripped over a box and dislocated his ankle while at work. While at the hospital, there was a misdiagnosis of an ulcer on his ankle which, when left untreated, became infected to the point where doctors had no choice but to amputate Mr. McCloud’s leg.

Upon arriving at The Riverside, Mr. McCloud, understanding that he had decreased mobility and ambulation, knew that he had an uphill battle but was determined and motivated to return to work. Before arriving at The Riverside, Ralph had been non-weight bearing for two weeks post-surgery. He relied on an office chair to get around his apartment as his apartment was not conducive to him using his walker, and he had not received any therapy post-surgery.

During Ralph’s initial evaluation, the occupational therapist noticed that Ralph had experienced a decrease in muscle coordination, as it had been some time before he had been walking. Ralph was deemed as a moderate assist as he needed little assistance. He only required assistance during transferring from the bed to a walking device/wheelchair or when toileting back to a walking device / wheelchair.

With the help of his Physical Therapist, Ariel, Eli, and Diana, Ralph could increase mobility from 10 steps to 85 steps with minimal assistance. Ralph is currently still receiving PT and OT at The Riverside. He is awaiting a prosthetic device so that he can return to work, as well as one of his favorite hobbies, bowling, where he boastfully shared he possesses a high score of 278.

Ralph is very thankful for his time at the Riverside and says he owes his second life (life after amputation, as he calls it) to the PT and OT team here at the Riverside.