Upcoming Events

Download our June recreation calendar for more exciting events!


Events are subject to change. Please contact our Therapeutic Recreation Department for more information on our monthly events!


As we prepare for the outdoors, sunshine, and the warmth of the new season, our community at the Riverside can expect to participate in some of the familiar weekly and monthly programming and some new additions to kick off the fun of summer. We will begin the season with a celebration, and every day, we will offer a new opportunity to join in on an adventure. Patients and residents are encouraged to review their special events and daily calendars to highlight the programs they are interested in so their recreation professionals can include them in future events.

On Sunday, June 16th – Father’s Day Celebratory Program
The Riverside will celebrate our fathers with gift giveaways and a Father’s Day Celebratory Program that includes live music, food, and beverages. This event will be for all the fathers and father figures within the community, and there is no need to RSVP. The recreation team members will be strolling unit to unit, room to room, to ensure all the men in the house are involved in the celebrations. Family and loved ones of our residents are invited to partake in recognizing and giving the men their honor. This event will begin at 2:00 p.m. on the 16th of June and follow into later evening.

June 19th, 2:30 pm, Ayana Lowe Returns for a Juneteenth Event
On June 19th, at 2:30 pm, Ayana Lowe will return to the Riverside with a special performance for Juneteenth. A day to recognize the day’s historical significance and celebrate those who paved the way. Through music, storytelling, and elaborate costumes, audience members will learn more about this achievement and its role in promoting positive communities. Interested residents should contact their unit’s recreational professionals to RSVP for this event. There will be food and drink. Discussions will open following the event for patients and residents to share and connect with one another. Pamphlets will be provided for those interested in learning more about the holiday. Family members are encouraged to attend with their loved ones.

Polished to Perfection – Spa Event
Our patients and residents at the Riverside can expect another Spa opportunity this month. On June 27th at 2:30 p.m. in the solarium, residents can attend the Polished to Perfection: Spa Event with Alyssa. Residents will be able to immerse themselves in a tranquil spa setting, where they can have their nails painted, receive gentle touch hand massages, create facials, and indulge in some light refreshments. This is an hour-long event. Interested residents should contact their unit’s recreational professionals to RSVP for this event. This event is for our patients and residents. Should our patients have any questions regarding this event, they can contact Sophia Greene, director of recreation, at extension 3561.

We wish our entire community a wonderful start to summer, Happy Pride Month, and a healthy and happy Shavuot. All recreational calendars can be found at the nursing stations on each unit, in resident’s rooms, and in the recreation department office. If you have any questions regarding recreational programs, please contact the recreation department at extension 3524 or 3561. We look forward to seeing you all at the next upcoming recreational event.