Case Study: Riverside Premier Rehabilitation & Healing Center (October 2021)

Director Concierge: Aaron Orshitzer
Patient’s Age: 88 years old
Admission Date: 09/08/21
Admitted From: Lenox Hill
Discharge Date: 10/12/21
Reason for Stay: Rehabilitation
How did this patient hear about The Riverside? Hospital Social Worker

Details of experience:

One day, Miss Geraldine James’ daughter was trying to call her mom to see how she was doing, as she often does. Her mom was not answering the phone, and she was getting nervous and assumed the worst. She quickly called her Mother’s neighbor and asked that they check on her. The neighbor went to Geraldine’s apartment and found her on the floor, unconscious. They called 911 right away and let her daughter know what had happened.

Miss James was admitted to Lenox Hill Hospital. Prior to her fall, Geraldine was mobile and walked with a cane. After the fall, she had difficulty walking and was not very stable. Her physical therapist in the hospital recommended that she go to a rehab community. This was all new to Miss James, given that she had never been to a hospital or rehab facility. A hospital social worker approached Geraldine’s daughter and gave her a list of rehab centers to consider in Manhattan. After researching and hearing great things about The Riverside, she thought it would be a great place for her mom.

When Miss James got to the Riverside, a concierge met her to assist her with settling in. Her daughter mentioned how “clean and pristine the building is.” She also mentioned how “nice and friendly the staff were.” When Geraldine first got to The Riverside, she did not have much appetite, and her daughter was concerned about it. The dietitian met with her and made a menu with her, and she started to have an appetite again. Her daughter is very thankful to the dietitian and credits her for helping her mom with her appetite. A therapist met Miss James right away to complete an evaluation and formulate a plan to help her get mobile again. Every day with rehab was an improvement, and she was getting more and more mobility back. After a few weeks, she was able to walk again. Miss James was so “impressed” with her speedy recovery and how quickly she started walking again. Geraldine was discharged home, able to walk again, and credits “the amazing Riverside rehab team.”

She also added how the “staff is loving, empathetic, and compassionate and would recommend The Riverside to anyone.”