Case Study: Riverside Premier Rehabilitation & Healing Center (December 2021)

Concierge: Asher Botknecht
Patient’s Age: 66
Admission Date: 11/26/21
Admitted From: Mt. Sinai West
Length of Stay: 2 Months
Reason for Stay: To rehab and to start walking again
How did the patient hear about The Riverside? From a friend that told her that her mom was here and loved it.

Details of experience:

Miss Ellison was admitted to The Riverside on November 26th, 2021. At first, she was nervous about
coming to a new place. She did hear great things about the Riverside from her friend but did not know if
it was true. Miss Ellison is a single amputee from knee down. Because of this, she was unable to walk and
It was even challenging for her to get out of bed. When she initially came in, she said all she wanted was to walk again and do the basics around her home. Very soon after, she came into the
Riverside, she realized how amazing the staff at the Riverside really is. That instantly made her feel so
much better about her stay. She instantly became a star at the Riverside and was loved by all. She was able to get this sense of calmness and comfort due to all the staff coming to greet her when she came in. She felt as if she had made the right choice to make the rest of her life so much better.

The following day was when it all began. Miss Ellison started her rehab. She met her OT and her PT, and they got to work. It was hard at first, and she had to push herself to do the smallest of tasks. Soon after that, she was able to get out of bed much more quickly and began to use her walker to walk around a little bit. Every day was a struggle, but she is such a strong woman, and she pushed through all the doubt and adversity. She knew that this was how she would live her life normally.

After about a month, Miss Ellison was walking the length of the gym. She walked over 75 feet! It was amazing. And she knew that it would not be long until she would be going home. She is such an inspiration to the entire community. Everyone took pride in what Miss Ellison was doing. She is truly part of the Riverside family.

Miss Ellison has not yet been discharged, but she is getting very close. She is doing so well in therapy and is an
inspiration to the staff and all the Residents at The Riverside. Together with her team of excellent therapists, she pushed herself and achieved what most did not think was possible. Everyone here at the Riverside is proud of her and will miss her very much when she discharges. She makes everyone that
works with her days so much better.

“This is the best rehab that there is, I get choked up when speaking about the Riverside and what they
did for me, and you need to clone the staff here at the Riverside. To me, there is no other place to go for
rehab but the Riverside”. At The Riverside, we thank Ms. Ellison for inspiring us every day.

We wish her nothing but the best and are so proud of all she has accomplished.