Case Study
Community Name: The Riverside Premier Rehab & Healing Center
Patient’s Age: 86
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 1 Month and 2 days
Reason for Stay: Rehabilitation and Therapy for Strength & Safety
How did this patient hear about The Riverside?
From her Son, a SW at Lennox Hill
Details of Experience:
There was a lot of pressure on the staff at TR regarding this Resident because she was an elderly woman with much pain and anxiety coming off of a negative experience. Her son is a social worker at a local hospital, and he had developed a relationship with the Riverside Admissions team. The pressure to perform at 150% and beyond was on- and they did it!
The Resident came in, needless to say, in depressed spirits. She didn’t have a great experience at the community she had arrived from, and had high expectations from us. Understandably, she was in pain and not in the happiest of moods. Within the first 24 hours of meeting our staff, however, things took a drastic turn for the better!
The resident was thrilled to meet our amazing team and saw firsthand the true care and compassion we have for all of our residents.
When she began her physical and occupational therapy, she got into a “groove,” and the staff on the unit fell in love with her positive spirits and personality each and every day.
This resident turned into a “staple” of joy on the unit. Everyone- staff members and residents alike- loved her and enjoyed her company.
She made tremendous strides in her therapy and was surpassing every goal.
Much credit for this spectacular turnaround deserves to be awarded to our wonderful Therapeutic Recreation team- the Resident created an amazing bond with the team and gained so much throughout her stay. Because of the pleasant manner and compassion of the the Therapeutic Recreation therapists, she tried many new activities that they introduced to her.
Her spirits were never down once she met the recreational therapists. Even on the tougher days , when the pain was heavy, her spirits and burden was lightened by our recreational team. AMAZING JOB!
Toward the end of her stay with us, the Resident participated in an arts program, where she created a beautiful piece that was to be showcased at an Art Show that the Riverside was hosting. Though the Art Show landed on a date after her discharge, the Resident came back to showcase her art and show support to the wonderful team that helped her in so many ways.
An amazing job well done to the Riverside as a whole, with a special emphasis on the Therapeutic Recreation team. We ALWAYS make a difference.