Patients Age: 85
Admitted From: Mount Sinai West Hospital
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 33 days
Reason for Stay: Regain strength due to hospitalization for COVID-19 and multiple falls.
How did this patient hear about the Riverside? Referral from Mount Sinai West Social Worker
Mrs. Lee M. was admitted to Mount Sinai West on April 10, 2020, for shortness of breath, and a fall in her apartment. Lee reported to Mount Sinai West medical staff that she fell twice in her apartment. The first time she fell was in her bathtub shower, accidentally stepping on a bar of soap and the second time she fell from bed. She was not able to get herself out of the tub for two days, unable to call for help. She reported to the medical staff that she felt pain in her left hip, and shoulder while feeling she could not breathe properly. Mrs.Lee was admitted on April 10, 2020, for Acute Hypoxic Respiratory Failure/COVID-19. Staff at the hospital recommended she continue receiving treatment at a skilled nursing facility; as well as, receiving respiratory therapy. After a lengthy conversation and doing research, she chose The Riverside Premier Rehabilitation and Healing Center.
Upon admission to The Riverside, Lee was, in her very own words, “I had a serious fight with COVID-19, and was tired. Between the pain in the hip, and shoulder, I was exhausted. All I wanted to do was not move a muscle.” The Interdisciplinary team evaluated her and developed a treatment plan to address her balancing issues, respiratory therapy, pain management, and COVID-19. For example, the dietary department needed to ensure Lee was receiving sufficient calories to assist in building up her muscles. Over the next few days, her appetite increased, pain levels decreased, and she became more alert. Fourteen days after her arrival at The Riverside, she tested negative for COVID-19 and began her therapy.
Initially, she was not able to tolerate standing for a few seconds. Within the next few days, PT/OT reported she was able to stand for longer periods of time, able to adjust herself in bed without significant pain. Staff continued to encourage Lee to use the walker to assist with her
balance. At first, she was resistant to using the walker, feeling it showed a loss of independence, but with continued practice, she was able to increase her balancing capability, ambulating, and picking up objects with little pain. There was only one goal left to reach; using the walker. She did not want to travel around the world using a walker, only a cane at most. The continued practice allowed her to improve to cane-only ambulation. On May 27, 2020, Lee discharged home from The Riverside, with great fanfare, including a warm send-off from the employees. The team at The Riverside wishes Lee all the best and safe travels!