Case Study: Riverside Premier Rehabilitation & Healing Center (Q4 2024)

Case Study: The Riverside Q4 2024
Concierge Name: Beatrice Ariza
Patient Name: Yvette Moody
Patient Age: 61
Admission Date: 10/31/2024
Length of Stay: 34 days
Discharge Date: 12/5/2024
Discharged To: Home
Admitted From: NYU Langone Medical Centers
Admitting Diagnosis: Right Diabetic Foot Infection—Transmetatarsal Amputation

Details of experience:

Ms. Moody has been living with diabetes for quite some time now. She struggled to keep a routine to ensure insulin was administered at the correct times. Her difficulty in managing her sugar levels ultimately led to her trans-metatarsal amputation.

Ms. Moody arrived ready to heal from her surgical wound and eager to regain her previous level of functioning and ambulation. Upon her arrival, Ms. Moody felt very pleased and at ease. Daniel, from our admissions team, formally greeted and accompanied her to her room. Moody felt very pleased and at ease. She was also presented with a welcome gift from the concierge. During her first 48 hours, she met with the social worker, dietitian, and physical and occupational therapists. Ms. Moody described her perception of our community as impressive. Having been admitted to another rehabilitation facility for her first amputation, she was initially skeptical and nervous about her experience here. However, she quickly realized that her stay would be completely different, and her transition would be comfortable and easy. Ms. Moody expressed that she felt the care and warmth being shown by each staff member.

Ms. Moody’s rehabilitation journey began with the healing of her surgical wound and rounds of IV antibiotics to help her progress toward ambulation. Ms. Moody arrived at our community non-ambulatory and unable to complete any of her independent self-care routines independently, including being unable to transfer herself in and out of bed.

During therapy sessions, she participated in various obstacle courses and worked on mobility training, balance, and coordination. She also had the opportunity to be fitted for a prosthesis that catered to her comfort. While engaged in physical and occupational therapies, Ms. Moody enjoyed our Urban Zen integrative therapy sessions, which helped alleviate pain using essential oils and Reiki.

After about five weeks of rehabilitation, Ms. Moody was discharged back to her home, where she will continue occupational therapy and have the necessary equipment to aid her mobility, along with assistance from her home attendant. She will return to doing what she likes most: watching TV, listening to R&B, and enjoying her time with her grandchildren. Ms. Moody accomplished being able to ambulate 250 feet independently. While at The Riverside, Ms. Moody learned the importance of keeping up with her sugar levels and administering insulin correctly. She will also have a continuous glucose monitor placed in her arm for easier access to glucose levels. Ms. Moody stated that the highlight of her stay in our community was the support and efforts of her therapists, which enabled her to walk again. Ms. Moody left our facility walking and independently, dressing, grooming, toileting, and doing all daily activities. We wish her continued good health and rehabilitation.